
Here's just a small sampling of the natural treasures we've helped preserve over the years.

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Monument Valley, Utah

Over the last decade we have worked with the Harker School to shape the culture of the last 10 graduating classes to shape the culture of the middle and upper school culture using as shared experience with the Navajo nation. Each year the 150 community members travel to the high dessert and learn about the near genocide and oppression of a people. We use this learning to impact the world view of this community and apply that to the culture of their school.

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Bryce Canyon

Partnering with the parks department we explore the natural impact of light pollution on species all over the world. This work has helped our clients apply a environmental justice emphasis to their evolving culture.

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The National Mall

Working with our clients in the nation’s capital provided the once in a life time chance for communities to participate in transformative experiences to bring the countries founding documents to life in new ways. Our clients were so impacted by our work that they have woven our program elements into their community.